"Stop Them, Brothers"

After the brutal attack of the Russian Federation on Ukraine Anténa together with the Bystrinycivic association and the Slovak National Theatre co-founded the informal civic platform "Stop Them, Brothers". The initiative brought together various actors in the conviction that this is a turning point in history, to which we must take a clear stand. We want to contribute to the public debate, which is why we are organising discussions with citizens all over the country, as well as other communication and fundraising activities.

In the two months between March and May 2022, we organised 16 public debates in 15 cities across the country. More than 40 guests accepted our invitation and we broadcasted 14 live online broadcasts, including two broadcasts on the RTVS news channel.

In May 2022, OZ Bystriny published a special issue of the newspaper "About the Country", charting the war in Ukraine. The newspaper, with a circulation of 20-thousand copies, was distributed to cultural and community centres in these cities: Banská Bystrica, Bánovce nad Bebravou, Bardejov, Čadca, Raslavice, Košice, Levice, Liptovský Mikuláš, Modra, Partizánske, Pezinok, Piešt'any, Revúca, Rimavská Sobota, Rožňava, Trenčín, Trnava, Žilina, Hnúšt'a, Lučenec, Hlohovec, Zamagurie, Brezno, Bratislava. You can also read them in electronic form here:

  • March 4, 2022, 6 pm, Sports Hall, Dubnica nad Váhom

Discussants: Milan Šimečka, Agáta Šustová Drelová

  • March 6, 2022, 6 pm, Artforum, Žilina

Discussants: Michal Havran, Fedor Blaščák, Iryna Rybovich

  • March 6, 2022, 8 pm, Nová Cvernovka, Bratislava

Discussants: Eduard Heger, Alexander Duleba, Jakub Drábik, Zuzana Wienk

  • March 11, 2022, 6 pm, Wave, Prešov

Discussing: František Majerský, Katarína Koščová, Ján Hanzo, Lukáš Maťufka

  • March 13, 2022, 6 pm, House of Culture, Pezinok

Discussants: Juraj Rizman, Miroslava Sawiris, Marián Majer

  • March 22, 2022, 6 pm, Malý Berlín, Trnava

Discussants: Jozef Hašto, Fedor Blaščák, Jozef Viskupič, Robert Bezák

  • March 29, 2022, 6 pm, Záhrada, Banská Bystrica

Discussing: Pavol Žilinčík, Peter Vancel, Martina Strmeňová

  • March 31, 2022, 6 pm, Podivný barón, Púchov

Discussants: Juraj Marušiak, Viktor Breiner, Fedor Blaščák, Bohdan Smieška

  • 5. apríl 2022, 18.00, Bombura, Brezno 

Discussants: Juraj Rizman, Miroslava Sawiris, Michal Trnka

  • 8. apríl 2022, 18.00, Kultúrne centrum, Modra 

Discussants: Ján Orlovský, Michal Vašečka, Zuzana Števulová

  • 12. apríl 2022, 18.00, Akropola, Kremnica 

Discussants: Robert Bezák, Martin Bútora, Richard Stanke, Henrieta Mičkovicová, Zuzana Wienk

  • 13. apríl 2022, 18.00, Bašta, Bardejov

Discussants:  Velerij Kupka, Peter Mihoč, Jakub Lenart

  • 4. máj 2022, 18.00, Stanica Žilina-Záriečie, Žilina

Discussants: Pavol Macko, Mário Pažický, Fedor Blaščák

  • 11. máj 2022, 18.00, Divadlo Havran, Rimavská Sobota

Discussants: Pavol Žilinčík, Iva Mrvová, Zuzana Wienk



Manifesto of the Initiative: 

Vladimir Putin has brutally attacked Ukraine, undermining the basic agreements on which the security of the world has stood for decades. He has declared war not only on this country but also on Europe, for each of us.

It is in Ukraine today that it is being decided whether we will defend the free world together or whether from now on tyrants will be able to arbitrarily conquer any free state.

Ukraine is fighting not only for itself, but for all of us. We can't leave her alone! The historic moment has come and we must make a clear choice. Let us put off mutual disputes and find the best in ourselves - the courage to face evil together - to help defend Ukraine with all our might.

Let's unite and wake up the good in us! Only together can we defeat boundless tyranny.



Anténa – sieť pre nezávislú kultúru
Bystriny – občianske združenie
Činohra SND
Nová Cvernovka
Mier Ukrajine


Miriam Kičiňová
Richard Stanke
Fedor Blaščák
Martin Šanta
Dana Freyová
Július Barczi
Zuzana Wienk
Michaela Benedigová
Milan Šimečka
Marta Šimečková
Boris Meluš
Filip Vagač

Diskusia s prezidentkou Zuzanou Čaputovou v SND
Záber na publikum v SND
Diskusia s premiérom Eduardom Hegerom v Novej Cvernovke
Diskusia v Artfóre v Žiline
Robert Bezák na diskusii v Kremnici
Diskusia v klube Wave v Prešove